Unique, Affordable, Professional Logos
Online Logo Store
Showing 121–135 of 156 results
Cannabis Companies Letters & Monograms Seal Service Companies Specific Shape Text Based
3D a swooping wave for progress and movement abstract Abstract art Abstract Coffee Bean Abstract door Abstract half-circle Abstract plant abstract shapes Abstract Trees accomplishments acrylic paint air conditioning air purification american Ampersand animal animal logo apartment apothecary Arch architectural blueprint styling Architectural Depiction arrow artistic Ascending block text Ascending lines Assurance badge bark beach beige birch bird bison Bison head black black and gold black and white black and white marble Blend of rustic and modern styles. block blue blue logo bluebird boat bold Bold 'J' insignia Bold and clear font Bold and clear typography bold letter 'J' monogram Bold letter J Bold lettering Bold serif text bold typeface Bold Typography botanical details Botanical illustration botanical motifs box branch bridge bright broom brown brown script logo brush bubbly buffalo building business logo Business Marketing Online Course businesses that start with e c logo cafe calming colors camel canine logo cannabis carousel cb monogram celtic chakras chanel inspired checklist children Chili pepper circle circular composition Circular Design circular frame city cityscape graphics classy clean clean green typography clean lines Clean Typography cleaning cleaning company coaching coastal coffee coffee bean coffee shop cog colorful commercial real estate commerical real estate Community condo construction contemporary contractor copper Copper script coral corporate counseling Creativity creek crescent shapes crown culinary Culinary elegance curls curves custom logo customizable slogan space d logo dainty dark blue data delicate Dependability Detailed clock illustration Detailed Leaf diamond diappearing lines Digital Marketing Roadmap dispensary dna dog dog silhouette door dots double g double g logo drill bit drilling company drip drop e e monogram eco-friendliness Edmond ekg Elegance Elegant and modern aesthetics elegant logo Elegant Typography Emblem of craftsmanship. Emblem of sustainable practices. emblematic of growth Embrace of natural aesthetics Encircling harmony Energetic typography Engagement Entrepreneur Branding Guide Entrepreneur Marketing Strategies Event sophistication exclusive logo expensive eye doctor eyelashes eyes face fairytale fan fancy farm farming fashion fashionable feather female Female silhouette feminine Financial stability fire flame Flame-like dynamism floral Floral illustration Floral illustrations flower flowers flowing Flowing lines Flowing shapes flying foil Foliage pattern food framed border freebie fresh Freshness front entry fruit fun g logo g monogram gap gate gay geometric geometric frame Geometric lines Geometric shapes gg monogram glasses gold gold foil Gold lines Golden flower emblem gradient Gradient shades Grand gate grass gray green grey Growth h logo hair hch monogram healthcare healthy heart heat and air hexagon hexagon shield Hexagonal shape high end high rise hippy hoa home home builder horn horse Horse head silhouette Horse silhouettes hospital house House illustration houses housing housing edition i Iconic building silhouette illustrative industrial insurance Interconnected lines interlocked interlocking Interlocking geometric shapes Inviting atmosphere Inviting Home Illustration IT company j K-9 key Key icon l logo l logo letter l Lace-like intricacy lake landscape Laurel wreath lawn care lawncare Lawnmower leaf leather leaves lemon Lemon Illustration letter b letter c letter d letter e letter g letter h letter i letter j letter k letter l letter m letter o letter p letter r letter s letter t letter u lg monogram light blue lighthouse lime green line line art Line art house illustration line work lines linework lion Lion's head logo for pet businesses lotus lt monogram Luxe Vertical Lines luxury m logo maid service marble marketing Marketing Plan Workbook Marketing Roadmap for Entrepreneurs Marketing Success Workbook masculine medical medical marijuana Memorable experiences mid century modern mideaval minimalist logo Minimalist professional design. Minimalist style Minimalistic elegance mm monogram modern modern aesthetic Modern aesthetics Modern and clean design Modern Half Circle Modern sans-serif font Modern sophistication. modern typography monogram Monogram 'I' Monogram 'M' Monogram 'U' moody Morning vibrancy Morning warmth mountain mower ms monogram mythical Natural motifs nature nautical negative space neighborhood ob monogram ocean Ocean waves oil oil and gas oil company oklahoma Oklahoma farming tribute. ombre orange Organic Leaf Detailing Ornate seal outdoor outdoors outline outlines Overlapping house silhouettes overlapping squares p logo paint painted pattern peacock pencil pepper person pet logo physician pineapple pink plant plants Premium Typography princess produce professional professional logo Professionalism property management property manager Protection pump jack punk pup puppy purple Quality queen radiant symbols real esate real estate realtor red red hair redhead Refined and modern aesthetic regal Regal aesthetic relaxing remodeling Representation of holistic healing residential residential real estate restaurant ribbon rk monogram rl monogram roof roofing roofing company Rugged text rustic Rustic charm sanitize script sea seal Security self care Serene ambiance service company settings icon shark fin Sharp angles shield Shield emblem ship silhouette silver simple Simplicity sit sketch sketchy Skyscraper silhouette Small Business Marketing Blueprint social media soft Soft shapes software song bird songbird sophisticated branding spa spike splash spring square stained glass Standalone Marketing Workbook star stars state steps Streamlined Typography Strength stripe strong Structured and impactful design. Stylized arrow Stylized house stylized letter 'R' Stylized pineapple Stylized sun Suggestion of movement summer sun sunrise Sunrise motif sunset Superior service Sustainable swish swoop swoosh sword Symbol of growth and excellence Symbol of progression and empowerment Symbol of stability and success Symbol of strategy and structure Symbol of timber Symbol of upward momentum Symbolic of tranquility and balance Symmetry t logo tan teal teardrop tech technology techy terrace text text based texture Textured detail Textured Finish Textured hexagonal emblem tiara torch towing Tradition traditional Traditional elegance Traditional yet modern design Tranquility transparent tree trees trendy triangle tribal triple c triple triangle trippy Tropical trucking tunnel turquoise u logo u monogram umbrella unicorn upscale Upward-pointing triangle vegan versatile logo design Versatility vertical lines Vertical stripes vintage Vintage aesthetic Visual freshness Warmth and stability water watercolor Watercolor texture watermelon Watermelon slice wave waves well wellhead wellness wellsite wench wheat Wheat stalks wheel whimiscal white wins woman Woman in meditation Women in Business Workbook Wood grain pattern worksheet yellow yoga Zen pebble with pattern Zesty Lemon Slice
$150 professional logo, unique to you
As logo designers, we often run through several designs before landing on THE one for our client. But, what about those other designs? We put a lot of hard graphic design work into those, it’s sad to think they won’t see the light of day!
What if we could use those unique, unused logo designs and offer them to business owners who can’t afford the full custom design process? Now we can!
Logos in our logo store are:
- Only $150
- 100% unique
- Professionally designed
- Only one of each logo will ever be sold
- Customized with your name & brand colors
How To Create Your Logo

Choose the logo that appeals to you most
Scroll through our handpicked designs and let your intuition guide you. Go with what resonates with your brand's vibe!"

Customize your logo with your name & colors
Time to make it your own! Add your business name and switch up the color palette to match your unique style.

Start using your logo in all of the major design formats
Voila! Your logo is ready to rock 'n roll. Download it in various formats so you can splash it everywhere, from business cards to social media.
Frequently Asked Questions
Only $150 for an entirely unique, professional logo for your business!
We allow one revision round to change the logo to your brand name and colors. If you want other changes, we can do that for you! They will be billed at our current hourly rate.
You will receive all of your logo files via a digital Dropbox link.
Once you purchase the logo, it comes off the site. All of our logos are designed by our team of professional graphic designers. Plus, we add your colors and business name to the logo.
Almost every logo in our store is 100% vector. The only ones that aren’t are ones with a heavy texture or brush effect that can’t be done in a vector format while achieving the same result. Curious if the one you have your eye on is a full vector? Shoot us a message at crystal@oakescreativehouse.com to ask.
Just give us a shout and we can quote that for you using your logo store logo as the basis.
We need 1-2 weeks to implement your name and color changes to the logo. We will then send you a sign off proof and once approved, send you all of the exported files.
Yes! You will receive a logo design contract during the process ensuring that you own the copyright once all fees are paid.
Vector Files
- AI: Adobe Illustrator file, the gold standard for professional design.
- EPS: Universal, works with different software.
- PDF: Your go-to for all things print.
- SVG: Intended for the web, but let’s just say it’s a work in progress.
Raster Files
- PNG & JPEG: Available in both print and web resolutions.
- Print Resolution (300 dpi): These high-quality files are your BFFs for anything you’re sending off to the printer. Whether it’s business cards, banners, or brochures, these files ensure your logo looks crisp and professional.
- Web Resolution: These are optimized for digital use. Think websites, social media, and email marketing templates. They’re lighter files, which means faster loading times and a better online experience.
Note: PNGs have transparent backgrounds, JPEGs have white backgrounds.