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Plan Ahead, Get Ahead : An Intentional Goal Setting Worksheet


Turn dreams into reality with our FREE ‘Plan Ahead, Get Ahead’ Goal Setting Worksheet. Simplify your planning process and take confident steps toward your business and life goals!

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An Intentional Goal Setting Worksheet – $15

I have observed over the last several years what I feel leads to stress, burnout, self-doubt and lack of accomplishment for most entrepreneurs. The problem? You are peddling SO HARD trying to get ALL of the things done while picking up new goals and tasks along the way, that you reach the end of the day, month or year thinking, “What happened?”. You beat yourself up with negative self talk thinking, “Maybe I’m just not cut out for this life!” In reality, all you really needed was a solid plan.

You are NOT alone, we have all been there! This lifestyle that you chose is not an easy one and being the creator of your own dreams… goodness that is HARD! However, not having a solid plan can very easily lead to shiny object syndrome. This is where you go about each day doing the thing that appeals to you the most or the thing that is “screaming” the loudest. Putting out fires is absolutely exhausting, not to mention how disheartening it is to reach the end of your year feeling unaccomplished. 

Don’t worry, there is a solution! 

When you are solid in your plan and your goals, you can easily create action steps around them to make sure you stay on track to create the business and life you have been dreaming about. I know what you are thinking, “But what if I’m not good at planning?”

Luckily for you, I am a problem solver at my core. When I see something in my life or business that isn’t working for me, it consumes me to fix it! I have done ALL. THE. THINGS. in order to create solid plans and goals including books, podcasts, webinars, worksheets, purchased courses, etc… I like to assume that most entrepreneurs face similar problems, so I’ve done all of the hard work for you! You no longer have to guess at HOW to plan, you just need to follow this simple (and might I add – beautiful!) worksheet! An Intentional Goal Setting Worksheet!

I’ve pulled what works for me from the best of the best teachers and compiled it into an easy to follow worksheet – just for you! I believe when you plan ahead, you get ahead and you DESERVE to succeed at the highest level in your business. I also believe that as an entrepreneur you deserve a balanced life full of ALL of the things you love – not just your business. Staying on track and working smarter, not harder is the absolute best way to achieve this.

In this Plan Ahead, Get Ahead worksheet you will:

  • Start with gratitude and appreciation for what is working.
  • Call your shot and dream big with a vision for success.
  • Start from where you are by evaluating with fresh eyes – they don’t call me the queen of questions for nothing!
  • Take a BONUS Brand Impact Assessment
  • Set 10 GOALS for next year!
  • Narrow your focus to ONE and set action steps for achieving it
  • Set a plan for checking in on your progress.

Schedule a FREE 30-minute Discovery Call where we can talk about your goals together!

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Transform Your Sales Strategy!

Learn how to perfect your customer journey from first impression to retention. Gain insights from Crystal and the Oakes Creative House team through interactive sessions, expert guidance, and hands-on activities.

When: June 21, 2024, 9am-3pm

Where: Sandler, OKC

Cost: $175