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Two women standing around a desk with one sitting between them drawing on an iPad

Building a Brand You Love

Do you own a business?

If you answered yes, then you need a brand.

Every successful business has a solid brand. From a recognizable name to a color scheme, a brand needs to be established in order for your business to grow.

Brand (noun) – a public image, reputation, or identity conceived of as something to be marketed or promoted
          – Merriam-Webster

It’s a bit cheesy to use a Webster’s dictionary definition to lead off your blog post, I know. But it’s honestly a good place to start! Like the definition says,

Your brand is who you are publicly.

It upholds your reputation and identity. Your brand defines who you are, how your customers perceive you, and whether they buy from you.

Important, right?

It really is! Which is why one of our MAIN services is branding. In fact, our front page on our website even says, “We Help Growing Businesses – Attract customers that truly LOVE your brand!”

Needless to say, if you’re in need of a brand or a refresh, we are the people to talk to.

What is a branding project?

Good question! It is pretty broad, but a brand project would be anything that represents your business publicly in print or digital form. This can include your:

The options are seemingly endless! A brand consists of everything from your logo to your brand voice. But whether you need the whole shebang, or are just looking for a flier or updated logo, we’ve got you covered.

Branding at Oakes Creative House

I know that sometimes it’s challenging to commit to something or dive into something new because you don’t know exactly what to expect. To help nip that fear in the bud, I’m going to lay our process out for you.

A BMDR landing page re-design featuring a computer screen with an icon of a megaphone.
Share Your Vision

After you book your discovery call, we get right to it! We listen as you share your vision for your company, your goals, your challenges and what success would look like for you. We start with the end in mind!

A re-designed landing page for BMDR, featuring an image of a document with a pen.
We Create Your Plan

We brainstorm, research and customize the best marketing strategies, products and services to meet your unique needs. We include a budget and timeline for your approval. You won’t be caught off guard!

A file with a heart on it, perfect for building a brand that emphasizes love and compassion.
You Love Your Brand

We create the key marketing pieces that set your products or services apart from your competition. Our mission is to help your customers understand who you are and why they need what you do.

Now this is a rather bird’s eye view of our process. But, these 3 steps are a good representation of what to expect when working with us. We are goal oriented and understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. You and your business are unique, and you deserve services that recognize your individuality!

However, regardless of what branding service you book with us, you can expect:

We are in the business of elevating growing businesses. We recommend the best strategies and tactics, but keep your individual needs in mind. By working with us, you are receiving years of experience and professional advice from people who also empathize with you and your business. We are in the business of helping YOU grow by creating the brand that works best for your business.

If you don’t have an established brand, or it’s been awhile since you’ve audited your brand voice or refreshed your logo, now’s the time to get on our books. We can’t wait to work with you!

Book Your Discovery Call

Transform Your Sales Strategy!

Learn how to perfect your customer journey from first impression to retention. Gain insights from Crystal and the Oakes Creative House team through interactive sessions, expert guidance, and hands-on activities.

When: June 21, 2024, 9am-3pm

Where: Sandler, OKC

Cost: $175