Four women sitting on a couch, utilizing resources to look at a laptop.

Why WordPress: Building Top-Notch Websites

It’s the 21st century, and the amount of tools and technologies we business owners have access to is only growing!

From social media schedulers to project management systems, the possibilities are endless.

But, after years in the business, we’ve had the chance to experiment with many of these options, eventually landing on the ones that allow my team to serve our clients best.

Let me tell you about our FAVORITE website platform! ❤️

Websites are essential for all business owners, and we take pride in building websites that are easy to navigate, aesthetically pleasing and put our clients ahead of their competition. That’s why it’s so important we choose a trustworthy platform that allows us to serve our clients well.

Why WordPress?

  • WordPress is an open-source website content management system (CMS). It’s incredibly powerful but also easy to use for non-technical people once the site is launched. So, you have easy access to make content updates to your website as needed.
  • WordPress makes up 43% of all internet websites and is used by developers and non developers alike.
  • WordPress is scalable and, with the right tools in place, can be very user friendly. We like to supplement it with Elementor, an incredibly powerful drag and drop builder!
  • There are hundreds, if not thousands, of videos educating you on how to use WordPress in case you ever get stuck. We’re always here to help as well!
  • WordPress is secure! Regardless of what you may have heard in the past, hosting a WordPress site with a reliable host is as secure, if not more than, its competitors. We host on WP Engine and have top notch security tools installed to each website we host. 
  • WordPress is the best platform we have found that can grow with your business. You can create a budget friendly starter website then add features as you go with additional plugins and configuration. We have yet to find something that it can’t do!

We’ve been working in WordPress for several years now (Crystal alone has over 15 years of WordPress experience!), and we’re not turning back any time soon. It’s a stellar website building platform, and it’s helped us build many incredible sites over the years.

Check out a few recent sites we have launched for clients:

At the end of the day, you have your pick of the crop! You could use SquareSpace, Wix, GoDaddy… all of them have great features. But, when you work with Oakes Creative House, you’re not only investing in high-quality craftsmanship, but you’re also investing in what we believe is the best website builder. We are WordPress supporters through and through!

If you’re ready to put your best business foot forward and build a website that both you and your customers love, we’re on board! Just shoot us a message and let’s start making your dreams come true. 💫

Book Your Discovery Call

Transform Your Sales Strategy!

Learn how to perfect your customer journey from first impression to retention. Gain insights from Crystal and the Oakes Creative House team through interactive sessions, expert guidance, and hands-on activities.

When: June 21, 2024, 9am-3pm

Where: Sandler, OKC

Cost: $175

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