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Achieving success with Business Marketing Done Right.

Create a Marketing Plan that Generates Customers & Builds Revenue

Take control of your marketing by creating a custom marketing plan that allows you to level-up your business.

Take control of your marketing, take control of your business

As a business owner, you are taking on a lot of responsibility. Between finances, potential employees, creating your product and communicating with customers, you may just not have time to learn something new. I’m here to let you know that marketing is a key part of your business’ success, and it can be done on your own time. If you don’t have control of the marketing aspect for your business, you will struggle to achieve the results you want. You will struggle to meet your sales goals, make the money you truly wish to make and will end up with a business that runs you, instead of you running it. Once implemented with a clear strategy, marketing SAVES you time.

Lucky for you, by enrolling in Business Marketing Done Right, you’re able to establish your audience, message and what you should be taking action on. Even better? You can fit the course into your busy schedule. When you enroll, you gain lifetime access to the course. So you can complete your marketing strategy in 10 days or 10 months. And it’s always there for you to come back to.

A woman sitting at a desk, engaged in business marketing while looking at her laptop.

How it Works:

A BMDR landing page re-design featuring a computer screen with an icon of a megaphone.

Marketing Basics

Whether you are currently marketing your business or you are just starting, I’ve created the exact toolkit needed to guide business owners of any background through the process of crafting, honing and executing a holistic marketing strategy that drives leads and sales without all the uncertainty.

A re-designed landing page for BMDR, featuring an image of a document with a pen.

What It Means for You

As we work through the modules, you’ll have the chance to think about what each step means for you and your business. You’ll have time to write out your goals and next steps.

A BMDR Landing page Re-Design featuring an icon of a computer screen displaying a document.

Custom Marketing Strategy

You will walk away with a custom marketing plan that you built over the course of Business Marketing Done Right.

What if I Don’t Have Time?

I am right there with you! As business owners, we find ourselves with a lot on our plate. I’ve created Business Marketing Done Right with YOU in mind. Each module is less than an hour long, and there is plenty of time to complete homework. Plus, there is no one stopping you from taking a week break and coming back to it when you have the time to work hard at it. Even if you find yourself with a long to-do list, it’s imperative that you understand your marketing strategy. You can then later pass it off to someone with more experience and simply serve as a guide who keeps the marketing mission in mind.

A woman is using a laptop for the BMDR Landing page Re-Design with a calendar displayed on the screen.
A woman sitting at a desk with a laptop working on the BMDR Landing page re-design.

What if I’ve Never Marketed My Business?

You are NOT alone! You don’t have to be a marketing pro to understand how it allows your business to grow! I walk you through my step-by-step process for building a marketing strategy that works, while also giving you time to sit down and think about what it means for your business. By the end of the course, you’ll feel confident in tackling your marketing with a plan in hand.

Can’t I Just Pass My Marketing to an Agency?

Short answer – no! Most agencies will want you to be involved in your marketing, actively making decisions on how to meet the goals you set for your company. If you’re hands off, you risk marketing incorrect information, focusing on the wrong aspects of your business, missing your target audience and so much more. By enrolling in BMDR, you will create a plan that you can go over with an agency to ensure you are all working toward the same goals!

Two asian business women sitting at a table looking at their laptops for BMDR Landing page Re-Design.
A woman sitting on the floor with a laptop working on the BMDR landing page re-design.

Can’t I Figure It Out On My Own?

Maybe. But only if you have the proper training. Look at it this way, if you’re making decisions without set goals or expectations in place, you aren’t making progress. Instead, your goals are likely changing and your decisions are costing you money. Even if you do call in help, but don’t have a strategic plan, you could end up double, sometimes triple doing the work! That is a waste of time. Plus, it could EASILY cost you upwards of $20,000 (estimated by double doing marketing projects such as website design). Trust me, you don’t want to wing it.

Build a Strategy that Works

As a business owner, you know time is money. So stop wasting your valuable time ‘throwing spaghetti at the wall’ and waiting to see what sticks. With the right tools and plan, you can take your business to the next level and increase the margins that matter. Do what’s best for your business and build a marketing strategy that elevates your customer base and year-end revenue. During Business Marketing Done Right, we will go over:

In order to create a marketing plan that works for you, we need to establish why it’s important for you and your business so that you connect with the right people.

Your mission statement is the driving force behind your business and why you do what you do. It’s also the driving force behind your brand’s personality. It’s important we define this so we can create a marketing plan that reflects your purpose.

What’s a trip without a destination? Fun, maybe. But likely also chaotic and expensive. We will go over how to establish goals so your marketing plan is strategic and your team is on the same page.

By identifying your ideal customer, you’re narrowing down who your marketing speaks to. You’re likely to gain more leads by talking to less people. We work on this together so your marketing gains more productive leads.

In order to have a consistent, recognizable voice that relates to your customers, it’s important to establish your voice and messaging early. We’ll work on this together!

Your visual brand will be the thing that people see and immediately think “Ah! I know them!” [que Elf references]. But like Buddy the Elf thought he knew “Santa,” you want to make sure no one confuses you for something you aren’t. You will establish your visual branding to ensure it is uniquely you.

I bet you didn’t think this step would be so far down! It doesn’t make it any less important. It’s important you make the transaction process as simple as possible so your customers don’t get confused and bow out.

Now that we’ve decided who you are and what you look and sound like, it’s time to take action! You will establish how you reach your audience best so you don’t waste your time entertaining dead ends.

Most of what we go over will be organic reach, BUT it’s important to understand the differences between the two and what they can do for you so you don’t overspend your marketing budget.

We’ll cover a lot, huh? Are you stressed yet? If you are, I don’t blame you! I’ll talk you through how to play to your strengths and delegate when needed so you aren’t wasting your time.


What are you waiting for?

What You Get

$3,000 value $ 795
  • Lifetime access to the course + any updates down the road
  • Holistic marketing blueprint worksheets with action steps for implementation
  • Gain confidence in your ability to tackle your marketing (priceless)
A woman sitting on a couch holding a tablet while browsing social media.

Exclusive Course Offer - Group Coaching

We are opening up a NEW Zoom group coaching & Facebook group in October 2022! Enroll in the course and gain access to a group led by Crystal as we walk through the course together! But wait, there’s more! We don’t leave you hanging after you wrap up the course. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a 14 MONTH social media strategy prepared FOR YOU. That’s a $3,000 value on its own.

Registration is open September 20-27 with a limit of 10 students. 

Group coaching runs each weekday at 6pm on Oct 3-7 & 10-14.

$999 (if paid in full)

Payment plan available at 3 payments of $400 = $1,200 total

What You Get


Sign up here to be alerted when the sale goes live!

What’s a Social Media Strategy?

I’m glad you asked! This is probably one of the most exciting bonuses of purchasing Business Marketing Done Right + Group Coaching this round. The social media strategy is high value ($3,000 VALUE) and entirely custom.

Just turn in your marketing plan (after finishing the course and group coaching) and you’ll receive:

Your 14 month strategy is 100% yours. You can use it year after year, and it is custom to your business. We’ll complete the strategy for you, taking the brain power and content fatigue out of social media. All you need to do is fill in the copy, create the graphics and post!

This is truly a once in a lifetime deal!

A business woman performing BMDR Landing page Re-Design, focused on her laptop, in an office.
A blonde woman in a white blazer showcasing business marketing done right.

Hi, I’m Crystal!

I teach entrepreneurs how to improve their brand and create connections! Raised by serial entrepreneurs, I have such a heart for small businesses and the passionate people who create them. One of the biggest things I hear business owners struggle with is feeling like they have NO idea what they’re doing when it comes to marketing their business — and it’s not doing anything for their SALES!

Marketing and sales go hand-in-hand, but many entrepreneurs fail to bridge the gap between the two with a strategic plan. That’s why I created this course complete with a step-by-step guide to help you identify your unique goals, audiences, messaging and implementation. 

The truth is, you DON’T have to be a professional marketer, a tech junkie or graphic designer to take control of your marketing — all you need is a thorough understanding of your business and the right tools!



Yes! I designed this course to be self lead, but for my fellow go-getters out there you can absolutely complete it in 10 days or less. The accompanying workbook is your fill-in marketing plan! If you fill it out as you go following the video instructions, in just 10 days you will have a marketing plan for your business!

SUCH a great question and a common misconception! All too often, business owners put the marketing part of their business into someone else’s hands with little to no instruction as to what THEY are actually looking to achieve and what preferences they have. Marketing is an ever evolving part of your business and to be honest, it’s complicated! There are lots of potential avenues to consider even before diving into branding, messaging, foundational selling and more! 

As a business owner, I 100% believe that you need to take control of your marketing and gain a baseline understanding of the pieces and how they fit together. This allows you to make informed decisions when it comes to marketing your business, whether you are tackling the implementation or hiring someone like us to help! Remember, YOU are the leader!

You are right! There are a lot of great videos, books and free courses on marketing. However, I’ve found that it takes HOURS, DAYS and WEEKS to sift through the information and find teachers you connect with. I took my 15+ years of marketing experience and put together this course with YOU in mind. As a daughter of serial entrepreneurs, I worked hard to present this information in YOUR language! I took out the complicated marketing speak and came to the table with real, honest discussions for you to have with your business.

Absolutely! People buy from you when they know, like and trust you! This is where marketing comes in. Instead of “throwing spaghetti at the wall” and waiting to see what sticks, it’s time to put the pieces in the right order and tackle them with AUTHENTICITY! This course will help you do just that!

This course is packed full of everything you need to know about crafting your marketing blueprint, complete with video instructions and a fillable workbook to help you:

  1. Identify your marketing needs
  2. Create a mission and vision statement
  3. Set intentional marketing goals and objectives
  4. Set intentional sales goals, revenue goals and budgets
  5. Identify your ideal client and create your ideal client avatar
  6. Identify, narrow and refine your messaging
  7. Create intentional and defined branding
  8. Set mile markers and plans for future improvement
  9. Define your role
  10. Create an action plan designed for implementation

No problem at all! The purpose of this course is to give you the right tools in your toolbelt to use as a business owner. This course is also designed to establish the marketing arm of your business. You see, even the most experienced marketing firm on the planet isn’t YOU! No one will ever be as passionate about your business as you are! It is your job to lead the freelancers and vendors you hire to do work for you with impactful information and informed decisions. You don’t have to know how to run your website in order to understand what it can do for you! 

This course will help you get the roadmap down pat, then you can decide who you need to pull in that will help you implement it!

The knowledge you will gain in this course will ultimately save you and your business SO. MUCH. MONEY! Bear with me for a second.

Average logo cost: $500-$1000

Average website cost: $2000 – $4000

Social media management for 1 year: $4800

Content Creation for newsletters only for 1 year: $7200

Average cost of hiring someone to create a marketing plan for you: $1500+

If you add this all up you could be spending upwards of $18,500 on having these marketing pieces tackled for your business – and that is just the first time doing them! Sadly, many businesses tackle these things two or three times because they weren’t done with intention the first time. Could you imagine having close to $40k back in your business by doing it right the first time?

For the cost of $495 you could go into these projects KNOWING you will do them right the first time because you have the knowledge to create them and/or direct someone to create them for you. In the end, you are saving so much money!

We put education first

When we say we are truly here to be a partner and educate you, we mean it! We have an extensive library of resources designed for business owners just like you. We know how vital it is for you to learn as you build and we want to be a partner to you in that.

Intentional Goal Setting Mini Course

So many entrepreneurs struggle with stress, burnout, self-doubt and even reaching a point of feeling lost where nothing is getting accomplished.

The problem? You are pedaling TOO HARD trying to get ALL of the things done while still picking up new goals and tasks along the way. In reality, all you really needed was a solid plan with intentional goals to help you set action steps to keep you on track to reaching your dreams.

After our Goal Setting online course, you’ll walk away with a clearer vision of the future and a defined plan of action.

A woman sitting at a desk with a cup of coffee, engaged in Business Marketing.
A woman's hand, adorned with a stylish watch, confidently showcases it in front of a laptop screen as an example of the perfect business marketing done right.

Take Back Your Time Mini Course

Do you often reach the end of your day or week, wondering where the time went or feeling like you accomplished nothing? Imagine what it would be like at the end of each month feeling like you actually took huge steps towards accomplishing your goals!

In the Take Back Your Time online course, we will dive into the most useful tactics and tips to help you take control of your schedule without it controlling you!

Transform Your Sales Strategy!

Learn how to perfect your customer journey from first impression to retention. Gain insights from Crystal and the Oakes Creative House team through interactive sessions, expert guidance, and hands-on activities.

When: June 21, 2024, 9am-3pm

Where: Sandler, OKC

Cost: $175