
Evonne Barrier

letterboard that says I loved you before your instagram was pretty

What lights your heart on fire?

I’m going to talk about a topic that is weighing heavily on my mind and one that I KNOW has a major effect on not only small business owners but everyone out there “adulting”. Let’s get real for a second, it’s not easy! However, I feel that for some crazy reason we were all taught to find the perfect way to “do life” and stick with it. I’m calling BS! It’s a myth! Break the cycle please and do not teach your children this!

What lights your heart on fire? Read More »

The Marketing Lounge

Struggling to make marketing a consistent priority? Guess what! You’re not alone. We’ve seen a lot of business owners and solopreneurs struggle with consistency in their marketing, unfortunately stripping them of immense growth and opportunity. Yikes! So, we decided to launch The Marketing Lounge, a monthly membership for entrepreneurs to continue their education and marketing with group accountability.

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