Woman sitting on a coach working on her laptop

Hard truth: Your website is not about you

Because I love you and I care deeply about your business success… I’m going to give you a hard and honest truth here.

Your website is NOT about you!

Eek, did that sting a little? I’m so sorry!!

But at the same time, I’m glad you are hearing it from me instead of hearing it from a customer. Actually, the hard part of doing your own business marketing is that your customer won’t tell you when something is wrong. They will simply stop showing up to support your business. 

You see, a lot of people treat their business’s website like a dictionary or a resume. They think it’s there to give them a place to express themselves personally or to list a bunch of things they have accomplished. 

Your website is meant to act as a sales tool for your business!

Say it with me, SALES are not as hard as they seem.

If you walk away with one piece of information today I hope you learn this > your website should be 100% focused on your customer

It should be a place where they can build their know, like and trust factor for you and your business. It should be a place where they feel comfortable and at home. It shouldn’t be a place to “convince them” they should make a purchase, but instead guide them through a journey to land on that decision for themselves.

We only have a very short amount of time to grab someone’s attention online. Your website should answer the following questions that are already in their mind:

  1. Am I in the right place? Did I find what I’m looking for?
  2. What value does this product or service bring to me and my life?
  3. Why is this the company I should buy from, when I’m sure there are competitors out there. 
  4. What does the process look like, will it take too much of my energy?
  5. Whew! Thats a lot of info, now I’m ready for a recap/pitch.

It sounds easy when it’s just a list of 5 things right? I want you to know I understand how incredibly hard it can be to get inside your ideal customer’s mind to answer the right questions that may be holding them back from making a purchase.

Whether you just need some feedback on your current site, want to pick our marketing brains about how to structure your content, or need a brand new site written and developed for you, we’re here for you! 

Book a FREE discovery call to get started!

PS > We have a few website freebies too! Check out our resource library.

Book a Discovery Call

Transform Your Sales Strategy!

Learn how to perfect your customer journey from first impression to retention. Gain insights from Crystal and the Oakes Creative House team through interactive sessions, expert guidance, and hands-on activities.

When: June 21, 2024, 9am-3pm

Where: Sandler, OKC

Cost: $175

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