women sitting on patio furniture outside

Walking through the hard

A few weeks ago, a group of women business owners and I were having a conversation about the unmotivated space we have found ourselves in recently.

It seems like after pivoting through a pandemic, going back into a recession survival mode, working through more time at home with spouses and kids and losing our ability to walk away from some of the everyday problems that pop up, we have just lost a bit of the will for more. 

I have always been a goal oriented person by nature. There is ALWAYS something I’m working towards on the back end that has the potential to change the trajectory of my life and business. These aren’t projects that have an immediate deadline, but they are things that I want to accomplish sooner than later. However, lately it’s just been hard to work on them at all.

Have you felt this too?

The things that once kept you going may not be enough to spike the needed motivation any more. During this conversation, we discovered that perhaps we are in a season of coasting.

I don’t mean in a season to scale back and to let go of your dreams, but a place where it’s ok to stop and enjoy what you have for a bit. Smell the roses if you will. 

So that’s what I decided to do. I decided to sit in this hard moment. I decided to walk through it the only way I know how – one step in front of the other. Sometimes it’s ok to enjoy what you have built and take a pause from working for more and more all the time. 

There will be a season when that motivation comes back and where it feels right to reach higher, but if this isn’t it for you friend, it’s ok! Enjoy the moment. Revel a bit in what you have built so far and know that you will reach those much needed goals… when it feels right again.


Transform Your Sales Strategy!

Learn how to perfect your customer journey from first impression to retention. Gain insights from Crystal and the Oakes Creative House team through interactive sessions, expert guidance, and hands-on activities.

When: June 21, 2024, 9am-3pm

Where: Sandler, OKC

Cost: $175

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