As small business owners, we all struggle to pay for anything that doesn’t have a tangible deliverable.
We are great at paying for physical spaces, websites and even wages for employees. But when it comes to taking money out of our pockets to pay for advice or strategies – it is SO hard to commit!!
However, in my experience, when I haven’t put the strategy piece in place, it creates a huge domino effect. This usually costs me way more time and money than if I had invested in the coaching or strategy up front!
I believe that every business needs a marketing plan, but I hear over and over again that many business owners simply don’t understand why it’s important or don’t see a big enough value to pay for it.
Here are a few reasons you need a marketing plan for your business:
- A marketing plan can 100% save you time and money by doing things right the first time.
- Save time when you stop answering the basic questions about your business over and over again.
- Not all of us speak a natural “marketing language” and have a hard time expressing goals and ideas to marketing professionals. This plan puts your goals and ideas in their lingo!
- The marketing professionals you hire will be able to serve you better because you will be giving them a clear picture of the goals you are looking to achieve.
- You will walk away with a better understanding of your customer including what they need, want and what problems they face every single day. This starts to form a connection!
- Stop searching for the words to use for every social media post, blog or email you send out. Instead use your marketing plan to guide you.
- Shift your mindset from creating pieces for your business that look “pretty” to pieces that communicate to your audience!
- Start to identify which marketing avenues are right for you, your business and your customer - without chasing the next shiny object.
- Know when to use ADs and when they are a waste of money.
- And finally, gain confidence in your ability to market your business!
You see, when you build your website before figuring out your messaging… you WILL end up re-doing it later.
When you create your branding without knowing your ideal customer… you WILL end up re-doing it.
When you start running ads before you know what works for you… I PROMISE you are wasting your hard earned money.
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